After a couple of nights in the relative luxury of Ayacucho we headed out of town and upwards towards our first high pass. After a hard days riding on the dusty roads out of town we started looking for a camping spot for the night. We asked a young girl if she new of any villages close by where we could buy supplies. She pointed us in the direction of her parents house. The one on the hillside with the animals she told us. It turned out to be a great night. The Quechen family made us very welcome, although were clearly a little disturbed by the size of Sarah´s feet. We shared our oranges and they gave us potatoes. They loved our torch, binoculars and family photo´s. We took this family portrait and will post it to them when we arrive in Cuzco.
Another days riding took us to the pass. We imagined an Alpine type pass not one that lasts 60km.
At almost 4400m we figure next time we´re in the Alps we´ll bike up Mont Blanc and run up the last 400m.
This camp was around 4100m and too high for our liking. Water was scarce and Sarah was seriously dehydrated but I was sure I could push her further!
It took us most of the morning to get to the edge of the mountains and to the descent. Then a further 3.5 hours to descend 1Km into Ocros.